Our Products
Pure Wellness
in Every Cashew
Beyond their visual charm, our grilled Anacadi Natural flavor were acclaimed for their taste excellence by professional juries.
Our Anacadi Natural-Flavored snacks were decorated with a star at the Great Taste Awards. One star signifies a delicious food that offers fantastic flavor.
Click on a product below to view the different flavors available.

Anacadi Packaged Products
Premium Packaged Products (400g)
Premium Packaged Products (300g)
Premium Packaged Products (200g)
Cashew Butter
Discover the richness of our cashew butter, crafted with care and expertise. Committed to capturing the pure essence and flavor of cashews, our skilled artisans blend traditional methods with modern innovation.
Our high-quality cashews have been crafted into a velvety smooth butter, creating a deliciously satisfying experience for your taste buds and senses.