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Le PDG de FOODS’CO fait don de masques à l'école de Béoumi

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Le PDG de Foods'Co fait don de 4 765 masques faciaux au Lycée Moderne de Béoumi en pleine pandémie de COVID-19.


Transcription - Anglaise

00:05 – As part of the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, Sanogo Tahirou, CEO of Foods’Co, donated 4765 face masks to students and administrative staff of Lycée Moderne de Béoumi on Monday, October 11, 2021.

00:23 – Yéozana, administrative and environmental security officer, on behalf of the CEO of Foods’Co, explained the reason for this donation. This moment took place at Lycée Moderne de Béoumi to distribute respiratory masks to teachers and students.

00:39 – This initiative is, of course, part of the response against the Coronavirus pandemic. As you know, the CEO of Foods’Co, Mr. Sanogo, attaches great importance to the well-being of both his employees and, of course, the entire population of the Béoumi department.

00:58 – I want to clarify that we provided a total of 4765 face masks, with 115 for staff (teaching staff) and 4650 for students. Bakayoko Bamauri, principal of Lycée Moderne de Béoumi, expressed gratitude for this generous gesture.

01:16 – We received a donation of 4765 face masks this morning from the Foods’Co factory. We thank them because, with the resurgence of the Covid-19 disease, it was important for us to provide students with means to protect themselves to some extent.

01:39 – Furthermore, the face masks they provided are washable. We express our gratitude, especially since this is not the first time the donor has shown interest in the school; last year, they organized reinforcement classes for exam classes.

01:58 – And we’ve seen the results. Our pass rate increased, for example, from 25% last year to 38% this year. It’s worth noting that, beyond this gesture, Sanogo Tahirou has been carrying out social actions in the department for some time, including celebrating the mayors’ event, providing school equipment to the department’s village, and supporting the Muslim community during Ramadan.

02:38 – We emphasized the importance of the ceremony, and stressed the importance of wearing face masks because about two weeks ago in Béoumi, we detected more than ten cases, to be precise, 11 cases of Coronavirus disease infection.

02:56 – We are in an area where the virus is present, so it’s in our interest to protect ourselves, to adhere to barrier measures to avoid being infected by the disease. It is worth noting that this noble gesture from the CEO of the company specialized in the production of Akajou Black, Fusco, aims to strengthen the fight against the spread of the Fusco-Nan coronavirus disease, Béoumi, Radio-Bondama FM.
